
Entropy in Action: 43 Normal Items That Felt the Power of Time

Time is truly an unstoppable force of nature. As this is invisible yet unrelenting process moves forward, it touches pretty much every single thing in our lives. Humans experience time in a few ways but perhaps the most potent is the process of aging. We see the effects of time in our daily lives although it is not something that is physically tangible, at least not yet. One day technology may reach the point to which we can see and maybe even travel back and forth through time, but that feels like science fiction or hundreds of years away.

One of the visible consequences of time is how the world around us is in a constant state of change. The days turn to nights, the seasons change from hot to cold, and the products and items we own and use also suffer these effects. Things wear down as you use them, often completely transforming from their original or brand new state.

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